1. *請閣下盡量提供醫院之出生時間. 如無法得知準確時間,算命時會需要較多資料。 (Please try to provide the Birth time obtain from Hospital. If there is not able to provide the accurate birth time, more information will be required.)
2. 如果閣下在外國出世,有時差考慮,需提前通知 (If you are born outside Hong Kong, please specify the place to work out the time difference.)
3. 建議如選擇小組見面的朋友, 如問題涉及姻緣與感情, 留意與情侶同場或分開算。(If you consider coming with friend(s), please consider on the sensitive topic(s) that may related on privacy issues.)
Q: 如何查詢醫院之出生時間? How to obtain the birth time from Hospital?
A: 如在香港出生,可到以下網址查詢http://www.ha.org.hk/visitor/ha_visitor_index.asp?Content_ID=201869&Lang=CHIB5&Dimension=100&Parent_ID=10114 If you were born in Hong Kong, you can refer to this URL..
Q: 如果我無出世紙?How can I obtain a Birth Certificate?
A: 如在香港出生,可到以下網址查詢 http://www.gov.hk/tc/residents/immigration/bdmreg/birth/applybirth.htm . If you were born in Hong Kong, You can refer to this URL.
Q: 如果我係外國出世? If I was born outside Hong Kong, is there any limitation?
A: 需要表明在何國、何地。(例如:美國,三藩市). Please provide the country and city that you were born. (e.g. US, San Francisco)
Q: 如果我真係無準確時晨,是否不能算命? If I really not have accurate birth time (down to hour), can I use this service?
A: 如無準確出生時間, 算命時會詢問較多資料。If there is not able to provide accurate birth time, more enquiries will be needed during the fortune telling.
PS: 由於醫管局網頁位置不定時更新,如發現網頁連結有問題,請告訴本人,以便跟進。
PS: 由於醫管局網頁位置不定時更新,如發現網頁連結有問題,請告訴本人,以便跟進。