Chinese MetaPhysics (衍緣舍)is managed by Mr. YanXuan Yim. Mr. Yim has acquired Master of Science and Master of Arts. He has been working in Multi-National Company taking care of Asian region operation before. Mr. Yim is a full time FengShui Master and Fortune Telling Master located in Hong Kong with clients from Hong Kong, Singapore, Macau, Taiwan, and PRC.
In addition, he started conducting Chinese MetaPhysics classes (included Four Pillar Prediction and Chinese Astrology - ZiWei ...etc.) since 2005 and Yearly FengShui Seminar for Private Company and Bank since 2007.
He is conducting Chinese Astrology Classes (紫微斗數) , Four Pillar Prediction (四柱八字)on a routine basis, and Introduction to Chinese MetaPhysics (易學基礎課程)in English.
If you find interest on any service or would like to further understand on Chinese MetaPhysics, you are welcome to send in the enquiries to or submit your enquiry form in 〔聯絡我們 - Contact Us〕.
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PS: We have page in Facebook (
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電話 / Mobile: (852) 9354-3753 (香港) / (86)14714322371(國内)
傳真 / Fax: (852)3007-9136
地址 :香港九龍旺角廣華街48號廣發商業中心19樓 1902室
Address: Rm 1902,WealthCommercial Centre, No.48 Kwong Wa Street,Kowloon, Hong Kong
地圖 (Map):,114.173913&zoom=15&markers=22.316397,114.173155&size=500x300&sensor=true
地址 :香港九龍旺角廣華街48號廣發商業中心19樓 1902室
Address: Rm 1902,WealthCommercial Centre, No.48 Kwong Wa Street,Kowloon, Hong Kong
地圖 (Map):,114.173913&zoom=15&markers=22.316397,114.173155&size=500x300&sensor=true
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